Friday, February 19, 2010

What to do...

I sent my Sweetie off with a big hug and kiss and Jade with a "high five" and Ethan did the same as our men left on their monthly overnight Scout Camp out.
Right before Tracy left he told Ethan that "HE" was the "man of the house" and in charge of making sure mom stays safe while he and Jade were gone.
It has been priceless hearing Ethan's sweet voice
tell me that he is the man of the house and he will make sure no bad people come into our house and he will keep me safe!
I'm definitely in good hands tonight!
Kids say the sweetest things and I am once again treasuring my "one on one" time with Ethan.

I SPY...
Ethan and two cup cakes.
What do you do when the cupcakes are gone and you notice more leftover frosting in the fridge from making Valentine's cookies...
You make more cupcakes of course.

It's going to be a great evening
enjoying cupcakes,
all snuggled on our bean bag,
wrapped up in "Snuggies"
and reading Ethan's book that he won in his class for reading the most minutes.
"Space Brats: The Sabertooth Poodnoobie"
(photos from our FUN)
Ethan LOVES to have you read the book "dramatic" and with lots of emphasize on the words. I don't think I've ever read more silly words in my life!!
We laughed SO hard we couldn't stop!
What a funny book.

got a call from my Sweetie letting me know they made it okay.
I won't get to see him until sometime tomorrow afternoon.

The wife of a Scout Master

means, we have one lonely Friday night apart each month.
I'm not used to that, but, I realize how awesome it is that Tracy gets to teach these boys skills and give them great memories and a love for the outdoors and
I'm SO glad he can do this.
I'm very much looking forward to when he and Jade are home safe and sound Saturday afternoon...
and then it's DATE NIGHT with Mr. Smith.
Until then, I'm enjoying my Ethan Kip.


  1. That's so cute! I love the pictures of you two. Doesn't look like there was any boredom at all.
    Snuggies AND cupcakes? Well, it doesn't get better than that.

    I was a Scoutmaster's wife too. We didn't have any of our 3 sons in scouts at the time. The only vacations Howie took was for scout camp. I felt a little sorry for myself at the time. I hope there was some mom or dad appreciating him.

    Glad you had a good time and have a blast on your date night!

  2. Such cute cute pictures of you and Ethan!
    It really IS so special to be a mom and to be able to spend one on one time with kids.
    I love that you made cupcakes and snuggled and read - those are just the best times ever! Ethan will always have those wonderful memories when he gets older :D

    Kurke was the Scoutmaster for many years and the YM President for many years and always went on every campout and still does if he can - ha ha!! I always thought it was great that our oldest had is dad with him at every campout and now our other sons too.
    It is a great bonding time and I am sure that Tracy and Jade are making memories as well!!!

    Enjoy your date night tonight!

  3. Love this post! You both look so happy and warm and well fed with those delicious cupcakes! Good for Ethan for reading the most minutes! You've taught him well.
    I never worried about my boys on a camping trip when they were with their dad.
    Hope you have a good date night tonight.

  4. OH MY WORD....What a FUN evening you had with your son!! Isn't he the cutest young man????!!! What a smile! It shows all over his sweet face that he LOVES his mom! And you love him right back.

    One on one evenings are always nice. Especially with CUPCAKES and cherry frosting.

    It sounds like your husband is a wonderful scout master. It takes so much time and effort. But such a good program. And in the end don't we just love serving and doing for the youth?

    Thanks for sharing your fun evening with us!
    Have a great day.
