Sunday, February 28, 2010

Sunshine for the Soul...Sunday!

"I love to think of nature
as an unlimited broadcasting station,
through which God speaks to us every hour,
if we will only tune in".

~George Washington Carver

(sunset Lake...Jedidiah Smith Wilderness Area)

Ever since I was a little girl
I have absolutely LOVED nature and beauty!

One of my very favorite songs in Primary was
"My Heavenly Father Loves me".
It makes me happy and cry every time.

We recently witnessed a YouTube video of this song and WOW, this "spoke to my soul".

Amy Gileadi
who sings this has the most gorgeous voice and I have never heard this song sung more beautifully than this version.
The photos in the video are also spectacular!

It made me happy and brought tears to my eyes as well.
Such simple words, yet so powerful!

Click on the link and enjoy a little peace of Heaven that is sure to put you in a happy mood and feel gratitude as well.
(click here to see the video)

"Whenever I hear the song of a bird
or look at the blue, blue sky,
Whenever I feel the rain on my face
or the wind as it rushes by.
Whenever I touch a velvet rose or walk by a lilac tree…
I’m glad that I live in this beautiful world
Heavenly Father created for me.

He gave me my eyes that I might see the color of butterfly wings.
He gave me my ears that I might hear
the magical sound of things.
He gave me my life my mind my heart;
I thank him reverently, for all his creations,
of which I’m a part.
Yes I know Heavenly Father loves me"


  1. Kimmie,
    Absolutely gorgeous song and pictures for this Sabbath morning! Thanks for sharing this with us.

  2. Beautiful thoughts and words Kimmie.
    I love that you are ALWAYS expressing gratitude!

  3. Great thoughts today!
    I have always adored that song as well.. ( maybe because it says "lilac tree" ha-ha..

    I hope your Sabbath is great!

  4. I am a convert to the church and never attended Primary as a child. However, this is one of the first Primary songs I remember learning or hearing after I joined the church and has been a favorite ever since. It is so beautiful - I also love nature and God's creations and am so thankful each day for them!

    Beautiful picture of you by the lake Kimmie - You gorgeous woman!!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday and thanks for the beautiful song today :D

    P.S. Thanks for taking Brittany cookies - she just told me about that and I thought it was so sweet of you! She LOVED them :D

  5. Love it! This song is what my nursery lesson was based off! I love it. I told them "Heavenly Father made all of this for us so that we can be happy." I don't know if that was really his purpose, but that's sure what it feels like!

    I love how happy and optimistic you are about everything. You're blog is very uplifting. thank you!

  6. BEAUTIFUL PICTURES! AND....if asked what my favorite song is, this song is always my song of choice!! LOVE IT!

  7. This is one of my favorite primary songs, too!! I must go watch the video :)
