Sunday, January 10, 2010

From Apples to Muffins!

Waste Not--Want Not!
One characteristic about me is I DO NOT like to waste anything! It just makes me cringe when we are out and about or worse yet at a restaurant and you see people wasting SO much food.

During the holidays
I noticed some apples in our food storage/cold room that had gotten too soft to eat for everyday eating and so I decided I was going to turn them into applesauce to make muffins.

It really is as easy as 1, 2, 3.
Wash apples and then boil until soft, SMASH them into puree,
throw the waste in your compost bin and use the applesauce to make muffins!

I first tasted these muffins at a family Easter Brunch in 2007 and they were SO good I couldn't stop ranting and raving about them. I got the recipe and made them and they didn't taste as good with store bought applesauce and so I kind of forgot about them.

Then at Thanksgiving when we were at Shelley's house (Tracy's sister), she had a batch of these made up and I realized how yummy, easy and healthy these were (and my kids couldn't stop eating them) and SO I decided to try making them up again.
WOW, were they ever a hit with my kids.
I have made up 8 batches of them since Christmas.

In fact,
the apples I boiled up and made into applesauce was enough to make 4 batches of muffins. I froze three of the batches to have for future lunches/snacks and was able to pull some out of the freezer for lunches last Thursday!

Applesauce Muffins
1/2 cup butter
2/3 cup brown sugar (the recipe called for 3/4 cup but my taste-tester Tracy thought they seemed a little sweet)
1 cup applesauce (OR pureed fruit)
1 tsp. soda
1/2 tsp. salt
1-1/2 cups whole wheat flour

Combine all ingredients, put in muffin tins and
Bake at 350 degrees for 18-22 minutes (until toothpick inserted in comes out clean).

(great use for your food storage applesauce and whole wheat flour
for pureed fruit--pureed peaches and pears are yummy too)

Yummy and healthy
for breakfast or an afternoon snack,
OR, for lunch (add in string cheese, cottage cheese, OR a boiled egg, carrot sticks and piece of fruit and you have a great lunch).

This is a great recipe to start off the year to a healthier lifestyle that uses basic food storage ingredients as well.


  1. when do you do this?! Do you work all day? I always feel VERY lazy when I read your cooking posts! AND I AM! Especially when you consider I only cook 1-2 nights a week since I am in a cooking group. Anyway, you mash your apples and grind your flour--so impressive! You are one of the reasons I made bread the other day. I literally thought if Kimmie can work and cook like she does I certainly can do this on a completely free day! The muffins look awesome I would kill for one right now! You do make it all look easy I must say....and good job on the not wasting. I waste a bit too much I'm afraid.

  2. I'll be making these for sure. Once a week I whip up some muffins for my kids to have for breakfast. I think they'll love this.

    Thanks for sharing your recipes and little tips!! I'm always looking for a great idea.
    Have a good day.

  3. What a great recipe! I WILL make these. I love the flavor of fresh ground wheat flour in cookies, breads, muffins and fresh applesauce, wow, you can't get it any better than that!
    Thanks for sharing all your recipes and your great ideas to keep things simple and be smart in what we do. You're an inspiration!

  4. You would be horrified at the waste I see daily! It still makes me sad. I work at the school in the kitchen and there is food left everyday. Sometimes alot even though we do our best to estimate how many kids will eat etc...any food left had to be thrown away by law. Ugh! It makes us sick when it could go to a shelter or ??

    Anyway, it is good not to waste in our own homes if we can help it! You are an amazing example of thrift and good use!!

  5. Oh these look SO good! And I am SO hungry right now...wish I was at your table!
    Thanks for another GREAT receipe!
