Friday, December 18, 2009

The Joy of Creativity!

I have always LOVED packaging things with lots of ribbon or curly ribbon. To me the way a gift or goodie is wrapped is just as important to me as the gift or goodie inside. I drive Tracy crazy with this little quirk of mine. He is always commenting when people bring over a plate of cookies on a paper plate with Saran Wrap and a stick on Christmas tag, how NICE that looks and YES, that does look nice.

I just have this little weirdness about me that I have to give a cellophane bag of cookies, or a cute little box with treats in it, tied with ribbon and always with a cute little tag. I can't just bring cookies or a treat on a plate. Whatever I give I like it to look like a little present.

I remember being 12 and buying my best friend a gift and I bought a 10 pack of gum, opened it up and put lots of curly ribbon tied around each pack of gum to accessorize the gift. I know, sometimes I go a little overboard. Tracy has even said that I could wrap up a piece of "crap" (didn't use that word) and people would love it just because of the way it was wrapped up!

So, I have a box of ribbons in every color imaginable, curling ribbon, plain and designer cellophane bags and some plain boxes that anytime I make a treat and take it to someone it gets delivered in a nice little package of some kind.

I also love to take giant Hershey candy bars and take off the printed wrapper (leaving the foil wrapper) and put a wrapper of some cute craft paper wrapped around it instead and then tie some ribbon around it with a cute little tag so it is a little mini present to give someone.

Here is a fun idea
to do for something out of the ordinary for little kids you know, OR, for a package topper, OR, for kids to make to give to a teacher.
These are great for Christmas, OR, for anyone who has a birthday in Winter Time
Snowman wrappers for an ordinary candy bar.
The BODY is either a 3 Musketeers, Milky Way or Snickers candy bar
The HAT is made by cutting the fingers of Stretchy gloves. You can make 5 hats out of 1 glove. (tie the top of the hat with Jute)
The WRAPPER is a piece of typing paper cut in half and then wrapped around and taped with clear tape on the back
The SCARF is a piece of scrap fabric ripped and tied around the neck.
The NOSE is just a piece of orange foam cut into a triangle shape
The BUTTONS are just black beads
and the EYES and MOUTH are just black dots drawn with a Sharpie marker.
Put them all together
and you end up with these darling little guys!!

Happy Gift Wrapping!


  1. Your little snowmen are adorable! What a cute idea! I think I will do these guys for my piano students...FUN!
    THANKS again! I'm off to buy some CHOCOLATE candy bars! HO!HO!HO!

  2. What a fun and cute candybar! I agree that the presentation is so important, and I usually think that AFTER I've hastily wrapped something and presented it!
    Thanks for sharing your fun ideas!

  3. Kimmie you're killin' me!!!!!
    Of course it helps that you work in a place that specializes in fancy schmancy doesn't it?

    Love the ideas. They truly are darling.
    You are amazing and such a girl through and through.
