Wednesday, December 2, 2009

December is here...

Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.
Norman Vincent Peale

(December 2008)

How did it get to be December?
As much as I try and prepare for the unexpected, I had too many unexpected things happen in one week and so I am a week behind what I should be.
(Working extra hours at work because it's our busiest time of the year, Baptisms for the dead on Tuesday and Thursday, Telling friends good-bye who are heading out on a mission on Wednesday, Christmas Play Practice on Thursday, Scout Campout Friday night, Making Ward Newsletters on Saturday and on Sunday we have church, the Christmas Broadcast and Tithing Settlement).

Despite the craziness of this week I am SO excited for the FUN that the month of December brings...
Cinnamon Almonds...Acting out the Nativity...Gumdrop Bread... Neighborhood goodies...Addressing envelopes and mailing out Christmas cards...the excitement of getting the mail each day and seeing who sent you Christmas cards...

assail...Clam Chowder and Croissants...the fun ART projects that kids bring home from school...Homemade NUT Clusters...Christmas shopping...Seeing the lights...visiting Temple Square...taking in goodies and spending time visiting the widows in our community...Hot Cocoa...
...Decorating the house and making it Festive...the smell of CINNAMON...
rapping Gifts...Vanilla and Grinch Caramels...Winter Solstice...oranges...Reading Christmas stories each night before bed...Candy Canes and Peppermints...
seeing things "Sparkle"...Gingerbread Cookies...making homemade ornaments...Caroling...playing in the snow...Christmas Countdown Calendars...Christmas programs...
and the list goes on...

Looking forward to decorating
for the holidays and I'm counting down the minutes until the hectic schedule of this week is over when the decorating and festivities can finally begin!


  1. Yay! I love it all too!!

    I have also been so crazy-busy this week.. and will also be the next. Even though most of our shopping is done.. it's lots of other little things that are adding up!

    Is Tracy headed this friday? Chad is off to camp too. He is excited.. as they are headed to Crystal Hot Springs. I'm jealous.
    Can you believe I have never ventured to a Hot spring? Can you say "I'm sheltered".. ha-ha..

    Anyways.. I absolutely love and adore your list.. if you come down for lights at Temple Square, and have extra time.. stop by! Your always welcome in my home!

    Happy BUSY week! Love ya! XO

  2. Hope you survive your busy week. I can sympathize....

    Looks like you have some great things in store for the decorations. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

    I posted a picture of your huckleberry treat that you brought over. You are such a sweetheart!
    Thank you!

  3. I hope you include the recipes for the delicious sounding goodies you mentioned! December is a busy time of year, but oh so wonderful!
    You have a lot going on this week!

  4. I just made your bananna bread with applesauce in it...SO GOOD! Super moist and VERY tasty! My family loved it and so did my visiting teaching ladies! Thanks! Sounds like a crazy-busy-wonderful life...ENJOY!

  5. It is that busy time of the year... but I love it, love it, love it!

    I think I thrive a little on a busy schedule. I really enjoy it even though I am running to keep up. Usually that is where the great memories come it.

    I wish I could make it to see the lights in Salt Lake City... ooooh so beautiful. Christmas time just makes me happy!

  6. Such a busy time of year. But it doesn't seem so bad since it is Christmas, and that puts you in a great mood.

    We are hoping to go see the lights on temple square this year. I think the kids will love it.

    On the popcorn I am sure you can use air popped. Also I found another great popcorn recipe on, its a cinnamon caramel corn with pecans and white chocolate. I was going to give it away but it's to yummy.

    Take care-

  7. Kimmie dear I cant find your email and I just went private so can you email it to me???

  8. Wow! What a busy week you have had! I wish I was as organised as you but I seem to be doing loads of "stuff" but achieving nothing - so frustrating.
    I would love to see Temple Square - if you take any photos please, please post them on your blog!
