Monday, December 7, 2009

Christmas Traditions...Gumdrop Bread!


I think
one of the most exciting parts of the holidays are the traditions that each family has. I love to hear and read about what other people do to make the holidays unique and special to their families and I also like to reflect and ponder on the things that my family does to make the holidays exciting for us as well.

I don't know what it is about the word "Fruitcake", but it is a scary word to most people at Christmas time. One of my favorite holiday traditions is "Fruitcake". My mom always made this when we were kids and it has been passed down through the generations.

So, since most people are scared with the name Fruitcake, I have renamed this "Gumdrop Bread". People's ears always perk up when they hear this!
It is hilarious the contrast of how people respond to this name rather than Fruitcake.

This recipe was originally called "Dark Fruit Cake" because it is what they made in Pioneer days to use up their bottled fruit that had gone dark and wasn't as pretty to look at when dished up. I'm sure that they added in dried fruit instead of gumdrops, but my mom, and grandma always used gumdrops.

Bottled Fruit, Walnuts, Raisins and Gumdrops mixed with spices and other ingredients make this SO yummy, that the holidays wouldn't be the same at our house if this wasn't baked up to put on our goodie plates of holiday treats.

I haven't met anyone yet who has tried this and not loved it!

Gumdrop Bread
(This recipe is a good way to use up all your old dark fruit!)

1 quart bottled fruit pureed up, OR 4 cups liquid;
blend with 4 teaspoons baking soda.

Add to fruit:
4 cups flour
2 cups sugar
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
½ teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon salt
½ cup oil
1 to 2 cups cut up gumdrops
2 cups raisins
2 cups chopped nuts (I use walnuts)
Grease and flour 3 or 4 bread pans, (or 6 to 8 small loaf pans).
Bake at 325 degrees for 60-75 minutes for large loaf pans, OR, 45-60 minutes for small loaf pans. I always bake until a toothpick inserted in comes out clean. VERY moist, yummy bread.

This freezes well and I always keep it in the fridge until we are ready to eat it.


Happy Holidays
from our family to yours!


  1. Great minds really do think alike! I was going to do the "Old Fruit Cake" recipe too! Yours sounds better than mine though. I like mine best with peaches.
    Happy Holidays to you and your family too.

  2. That looks yummy. I am one that can't stand fruitcake. It looks so good but then I taste it and I shudder. I hate that citron stuff. NASTY. However, yours looks very tasty. I have a holiday bread that I got from Florence when I was dipping chocolates for her. We totally love that one.
    Yours looks like something I will try this year.
    Thanks! You are such a doll.
    Verification word: allorkis
    I am sure allorkis is something that is used to describe the taste of fruitcake.

  3. I LOVE to hear all about traditions too! YAY!!!

    Wow.. I admit.. I have never even had a taste. Your right-- it kind of has a bad rap. Good call "renaming it" -- I do have to say.. if you made it.. I'm sure it would be good because you are just a fabulous cook!

    Glad you made it through your first "widow scout camp"!!

    It went by fast for me too. I guess we'll just have to do date nights on Saturday's when they have the camps huh??

    Hope your holidays continue to be happy and Merry!!!

  4. That looks yummy! I'll have to try this. My grandma always made fruitcake, but I never cared for it. But this sounds good.
    Like Connie, I have a recipe for "Any Old Fruit Cake" that uses old bottled fruit,and has a cream cheese fact, that's the cake we had for our wedding cake (I just remembered that).

  5. I saw something on TV about a town that had a fruitcake day. They would play all sorts of games that destroy fruitcakes-Who could sling shot them the furthest. People wore t-shirts that said, friends don't give friends fruitcake. Yes, there is a bad stigma with fruitcake. I am glad that you renamed it-smart thinkin. I know that I have had it before, but cant quite recall what my taste buds thought. I know that I didn't hate it. I need to try it again. Are the gumdrops Dots?
