Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Warm up with a bowl of Chili!

BRRR....it's been a "Chilly" past few days.
It always makes me chuckle when people act like it's a BIG deal when we get snow in October!
I can't count how many years we have had snow the first part of October and we have been worried that our trees branches are going to break off because they are so heavy with snow and the leaves are still on the trees.
HOWEVER, we have also had many a year that it has been warm all through October and into November and we are still mowing our lawn and watering our plants/lawn until Thanksgiving.
I am waiting on baited breath to see how our Autumn turns out...
will this cold spell pass and we will enjoy a little bit more warmth through October and November,
will the cold spell stay and we will have to make sure our kids are bundled up like Eskimos for Halloween?!?
Stay tuned!
(this is Tracy's photo he took while driving to work yesterday)
I awoke at 5:15 on October 5th, 2009 and looked out my bedroom window and made a statement to Tracy...
"It SNOWED last night".
Everything was covered in white and when I pulled out of the driveway the roads and all of our yard looked like a Winter Wonderland. The kids just thought it was GREAT and were SO excited to see the snow!!
(I just LOVE the optimism of kids...
they truly enjoy and celebrate everything that comes their way!)

My favorite Fall time meal
is a pot of homemade Chili.

I can't think of a better way to enjoy a CHILLY Autumn day
than a bowl-full of CHILI!!

So easy to make up and if you haven't had time to soak and cook up beans you can use your canned beans and if you don't have any garden tomatoes you can use your diced canned tomatoes!

PERFECT meal to use your food storage
and so YUMMY and tasty as well. I usually double this recipe and then freeze Chili in quart sized bags to be able to pull out and enjoy on evenings when we haven't had time to make dinner.

pulled out of the freezer and warmed up and served over baked potatoes!!

Of course any bowl of Chili is always YUMMIER if you serve it with either
BREAD STICKS <---click here
CORN BREAD <----click here

(If you like WENDY's Chili you will LOVE this Chili...
really similar in taste and always a HIT every time you make it!)

1 pound
ground beef

1- 14.5 oz. can tomato sauce
1- 14.5 oz. can kidney beans (with liquid)
1- 14.5 oz can pinto OR great northern beans (with liquid)
1- small can diced green chilies
1 large onion chopped
2 stalks diced celery
3 medium tomatoes chopped (OR 1 can diced tomatoes)
1 teaspoon cumin
2 Tablespoons chili power
1/2 to 1 teaspoon salt
1 cup water

Brown the ground beef in a skillet...drain of the fat.
Using a fork crumble cooked beef into pea-sized pieces.
Add all of the remaining ingredients to the cooked beef and bring to a simmer over low heat.
Cook, stirring every 15 minutes for 2 to 3 hours.
NOTE...the longer it simmers the better the flavor.

Serve topped with your choice of toppings...
cheese, olives, sour cream, cottage cheese, corn chips, onions, tomatoes, lettuce, etc....


How Frugal is this meal?
ground beef--FREE (if I would have bought it would have been $1.99)
2 cans beans-- $1.10 (dried beans would have been about .50)
1 onion--.19
tomato sauce--.54
tomatoes--FREE (from our garden) (canned tomatoes would have been .69)
green chilies--.47
misc. spices.--.20
(Total if I would have bought the meat and used canned tomatoes and dried beans---$4.78)

We fed 4 people 2 dinners and 3 people 1 lunch for this price!


  1. Yum, the chili looks delicious! Youre right, chili is a perfect fall meal. I think it tastes better when it's been frozen and reheated.
    What a snowfall you had! It looks beautiful but oh, so cold! Brrrr!

  2. Chili is definately one of the perfect fall meals! It is right up there with stews and homemade soups - YUM!
    I am one of those who is amazed at snow the beginning of October - I guess it is because I love Fall so much I am always afraid winter will come to soon and I won't get my full fall - ha ha.
    I hope it melts for you and you have a few more warm weeks.
    Kids certainly do have an optimism for everything about life - I guess that is another reason we need to become like children.
    Enjoy your chili on your snowy days - It looks delicious!!

  3. Noooooo!!! I'm so not ready for snow! I don't mind it if I can stay indoors and eat a bowl of chili. Yours looks delicious!

  4. After growing up in good old Pocatello - snow isn't that big of deal because we always had lots of fun in the snow. It seems like time just races by and it's winter again. The forecasts say that we are suppose to have a mild rainy winter with snow in the mountains. I can handle that after the past winters we have had... rainy roads are much better then snowy/icy roads. I'm crossing my fingers for mild!!!

    I have been in a soup making mode and have already made some chili and have frozen it. Your recipe looks yummy and I'll have to try it when ours is all eaten up. The past two weeks I have made, wild rice, bacon potato and vegetable beef soup with home made bread. It's certainly the chill in the air that makes me love a warm bowl of soup/stew/chili. Yum!

  5. OH MY WORD....you got some serious snow!! We had a few flurries, but nothing that stayed, or even stuck to the ground. I think I would have had a heart attack if the snow stuck. I KNOW...I'm trying to be optomistic. But snow brings out the worse in me.

    HOWEVER....I'm always looking for good chili recipes. This looks like one I'd like to try. We love chili, and taco soup on a cold day.
    Have a great day!

  6. Love the recipe..thanks for sharing. It is still summer here so your pics made me cold! Brrrrrrrr.
