Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Some of my favorite "Monsters"!

These little guys are growing up way TOO fast.
I wish that there was a button that I could push and make them stop growing for a little bit. Since that is not even a possibility I am definitely savoring every moment of time that I get with them!

My favorite little monsters
get REALLY excited this time of the year because with the abundance of apples that we have around us we make up another one of their favorite snacks.
“Monster mouths”!
So easy to make

---Wash apples well.

---Cut apples in half and then cut in half again.

---Cut out seeds.

---Spread with peanut butter

---Add candy corn pieces to look like teeth. CHILL for about 30 minutes

VERY yummy treat to give
your little monsters as an after school snack.

Their faces always seem to light up when these little treats are served.

As we were putting up Halloween this year my sweet hubby looked up and commented...
"Wow, we don't even have to decorate with cobwebs this year; we have the real thing on our light"!
OOPS...while the areas of our house that we live are clean and neat and tidy, my light fixtures and ceiling fans don't get as much TLC as they need.
I'm kind of an "out of sight, out of mind" type girl!

I love my Frankie….
This retro monster was purchased for a
whopping 25 cents at a local thrift store a few years ago and what an amazing deal! Grateful Tracy made him work again by replacing the tiny watch batteries inside, that had long since died.
I love that he greets me everytime that I walk by him with those flashing red eyes!! This little guy is my very favorite Halloween decoration.

Enjoying the FUN and excitement
that my house is filled with this time of year as we Decorate the house...Make up goodies...Pop up popcorn and Watch scary movies...Enjoy the changing leaf colors and try and figure out how we will carve their pumpkins and what fun “disguise” they will be this year for Halloween!

Whether they’re just dressed up like Jade and Ethan, OR, disguised as someone else,
the joy and happiness that my little monsters fill my life with!


  1. You are such a great mom! I love my monsters too. They do grow up too fast for me too - we need to find that button!!!!!! :-D

    I love the puking pumpkin - got to love boys (I do!)

    I hope you left those cool cobwebs. Really, it does look awesome on that really cool light fixture. (I'm the same way with my ceiling fans and light fixtures).

  2. Darling decorations and "monsters". You are right they do grow up too fast and before you know it you're staring at an empty house wondering where the years went.
    I'm gonna have to do the puking pumpkin cause that makes me laugh!

  3. Cute! Cute! Cute!
    I love to see kids all dressed up for Halloween!
    We have had the puking pumkin at our house a few times too!

    Thanks for the "FUN" halloween treat! :) I think I need some Halloween ( calorie free ) sugar cookies.. :)

    I bought the ingredients to make your cider last night! I didn't own cloves.. and had to go buy that -- and some oranges.. can't wait!

  4. I'm so impressed with your love and devotion to your family - maybe not to your light fixtures but that's OK! That's what mine look like!
    Your boys are so cute all dressed up for Halloween and the puking pumpkin, now that's the best!
    Your decorations are fun!
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. Loved all the Halloween decorations! Looks like you go all out for the holidays! Last year we made monster mouths out of apples as well, but with almond slivers as teeth (pushed up into the apple). Your are cute with the candy corns! Happy Halloween!

  6. Kimberly I am laughing so hard I started coughing and I had an all out choking attack - Look what your post has done...It has almost killed me!! HA HA HA

    The cobwebs already on the light was a crack up!! They definately need to stay for Halloween!!

    Your boys are so cute - Love their past costumes AND the pumpkin throwing up...Yep SOOOO boyish!!

    Ha ha. The monster mouths are cool they look yummy!

    Enjoy those boys (I know you do!) the time does go by SO fast!!

  7. If you find a stop growing button, let me know!!!

    You're not alone....having such groovy cobwebs! We have some of those to. Saves time when decorating doesn't it????

    Love the Frankenstien. And all your Halloween decor. I'm thinking it's quite a bit of fun at your house on Halloween.
    Have a good day.
