Friday, October 16, 2009

It's Here....

It's that
time of
the year
for Scary Movies
& Stories!!

On many an October night you will see the following at our house….
bowls of popcorn and treats, Blankets and Pillows all ready to be enjoyed as we get snuggly on the couch and beanbag and watch our favorite scary movies as a family, OR sometimes just Tracy and I!

Also, Ethan LOVES that we get to pull out our Halloween and Scary storybooks that have been put away for the past year. He and I enjoy our afternoons getting snuggly on the beanbag and reading together.

Here are some of our favorites!
We don't watch gory and extremely violent shows in our home, but we do love a Scary suspense thriller, from time to time.
A favorite of mine in this Genre is COMA with Michael Douglas.
I LOVE it!
I remember my mom thinking that Michael Douglas was a "hunk" when I first watched this movie when I was 10 or 11. Shortly after seeing this movie I became seriously ill with Osteomylitis and I was hospitalized for 6 weeks and had to have surgery and I remember feeling SO scared that I wouldn’t wake up from the surgery.

My next 4 favorites in this Genre are:
The Nightmare before Christmas,
The Corpse Bride
and Monster House
I must have a warped sense of humor but I just LOVE these and I especially love the music.
These are just awesomelove, Love LOVE them all!!

Another Classic we enjoy...

Alfred Hitchcock and old Film Noir are always a good choice with:

The Birds,
Double Indemnity
and Rear Window
ranking up there quite high on the list.


But, the movie that makes the grade to watch on Halloween night is...
(Obviously, after the little ones have gone to bed).
Wishing all of you LOTS of fun watching movies and enjoying time with your FAMILY!
I'm excited to enjoy Jades last Cross Country meet and some 60 degree weather with my family! ( more snow it has warmed up...WOO HOO)


  1. Such frightfully scary movies. POLTERGEIST scared me to death... I had to sleep with the lights on for several weeks after watching that one. I don't do well with any scary type movies... I am always surprised that people like them...

    I like Monster House in the disney type movies. The other ones are soooo old - WOW! I think that would be mighty fun.

    We've been watching the same old ones, Hocus Pocus, Beetlejuice, Ghost Busters, The little vampire, The Witches,The Haunted Mansion.

    I wish I had a little one to climb up next to me and enjoy our Halloween books. I bring them out with my decorations and put them in the totes when I take them down. I have lots of fun pop up Halloween books. They give me great memories of cozy moments. Now I hold on to them for the day I get to be a grandma.

    Have a scary time watching those movies..

  2. I hate scary shows!!!!! I think I will go read Ethan's books.

  3. Great movies. I like a good scary flick too.
    Here's 3 more that we really like:

    The Disney classic: Watcher In The Woods, The Tower of Terror Movie (based on the Disney ride), and my all time favorite is Hocus Pocus - I just LOVE those witches!!

    Poltergeist and Psycho still scare the PIZZA out of me!!

    Coma - Wow I haven't seen that in years.

    Do you guys like going to haunted woods or haunted houses??

  4. I love Carl Reiner's book! It's so cute and scary and tender.
    Alfred Hitchcock, what a suspense king! His movies always have me wondering what's coming next and keeps me on the edge of my seat.
    I hate gory, demonic movies, but I do enjoy suspense with some supernatural tendencies sprinkled in. I discovered an old, Vincent Price movie a while back. It's called "House on Haunted Hill." It's so old with bad special effects that even though it's scary, it's funny.
    Tonight will be a good night to watch a "scary" movie. Thanks!

  5. I just love your blog! I've tried a couple of your receipies and LOVE them too!
    Oh, and I have to say that I think you would LOVE the move "Wait Until Dark" with Audrey Hepburn...pretty scary good old movie!
    Thanks Again!

  6. Love the scary movies. Poltergeist still scares me. I remember watcher in the woods always scared me. Halloween is always a fun time.

  7. I love the movie setup! Looks like a comfy place to curl up and be frightened :) First of all - Poltergeist - too scary for me! I watched it as a kid (probably not very smart). I love all the Hitchcock movies you listed. Definitely classic! My favorite is Hocus Pocus. Not necessarily scary, but definitely Halloween=ish! :) Cute post!

  8. Good movie picks. I'm writing some of these down to order off of Netflix!! I've never even heard of Coma. I'll be watching it now.

    We used to always get a new Halloween book each year. This kids don't even think about that anymore. SO SAD!!! I think I'm going to go dig them out of the childrens book box and put them out anyway. Who knows...they might read them still.

    Fall is a good time to snuggle up together and enjoy movies and books. Hope you enjoyed your weekend!!
