Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day Fun 2009!

I think the fastest time of the week is the weekend. The weekends always go WAY too fast (especially 3 day weekends)!!

We had a wonderful time with family this weekend AND we did something we have haven't done for awhile.
My parents have property in Lava Idaho (near the Famous Lava Hot Springs) and it is tradition that we all get together and enjoy a few days together each Labor Day Weekend.
We arrived Sunday evening, had a nice meal and here are some photos showing the FUN we had!!
My niece OLIVIA loves playing with Ethan SO much that she called us while we were on our way there to make sure Ethan was coming and to tell him a joke. These 2 kids get along SO well I wished we lived closer so they could play together more often.
This is youngest in my family...
my brother Thomas and his adorable family.

This is another brother (oldest boy in our family)
and his wife and cute little family

Every year my parents fill a Pinata for the kids and they have FUN taking turns swinging the bat and trying to break it open!!
LOTS of fun breaking the Pinata!!

FUN around the campfire...
roasting hot dogs, making S'mores, talking and playing.
Good Times!

I had fun taking night photos.
The top photo is Ethan and Olivia's GLO-Stick bracelets.
The bottom photo are the embers from the fire. For some reason when I took the photo they were purple. I thought that was SO cool looking!

It was a perfectly gorgeous night that we didn't even put the rain fly on our tent and it was as if we were sleeping UNDER the stars. It was perfect!

Adorable Ava!
This little sweater she was wearing was SO cute I had to take a photo of it. If I had a daughter she would definitely be wearing that cute little thing!

No family get together would be complete without giving my dad a haircut! I'm thrilled that he likes me to cut his hair! It is an honor!

MORE Good Times!
I don't think Jade is camera-shy anymore!

Tracy and Jade...
putting up and taking down our tent!

And I couldn't resist taking a photo
of my HOT looking hubby with his new "goatee"!


We live 25 miles away from amazing Huckleberry country and this weekend we were SO excited to go out "Huckleberrying" because we thought we had missed it! There was a spot that still had a mountain side FULL of Huckleberries that we found out about and so we put off any other activities and enjoyed the afternoon and into the evening picking Huckleberries!
Absolutely, lush green forests, being with the ones you love filling up pails with Huckleberries that are as big as blueberries that you each pick with your own hands...it's called FAMILY FUN!!
WOW! Just when I thought life couldn't get any better I did this wonderful event with my family and now we have over 1-1/2 gallons of these precious berries to enjoy this winter.
Looking forward to HUCKLEBERRY
milkshakes, smoothies, muffins, jam
and anything else we can think of to make with our Huckleberries!

Huckleberries and the gorgeous area we live in make the long, cold winters in Idaho bearable!!


  1. Hi Kimmie - Loving all of your happy family pictures.
    Do you always smile? I love how everyone in your family always has the hugest grins on their faces - it makes me smile too!
    I have to tell you that Ethan and Olivia look like they could be twins!!! They are both so darn cute - definately can tell they are from the same family!
    What a fun and beautiful camping weekend you had and I totally agree the weekends go by WAY too fast!!
    Cherie :D

  2. Oh.. I am so glad that your weekend was so much fun! I loved all of the photos.. especially the one of you cutting your Dad's hair. That is so much something that we would be doing too. :)

    Cherie is right.. you always seem happy.. and JOY could be your middle name.. it just oozes from you!!

    I look forward to just a few more weeks! :)

  3. What a fun time! Of course you are right....made better by having huckleberries!!!!!

    Glad you had fun, family is the best.

  4. HOW FUN! So glad you got to enjoy your weekend with your family. Your son Jade has the most wonderful smile. My oldest son smiles like him. Doesn't it just make your heart skip a beat when they smile at you. (Oh dear, I'm getting a bit teary)

    It was so tender to see you giving your dad a haircut.

    Were you able to go to Lava Hot Springs? If so, did you jump from the highest board???? SCARY

    Have a great day.

  5. What a fun/memorable trip. We have been meaning to go to Lava Hot Springs. It's been over 10 years since the last time. I will have to remember to go during huckleberry picking time. Your family is incrediable. You have such a marveleous glow about you. You always look so happy.
