Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A harvest time favorite!

Green Beans...
I love them cooked slightly and made into a classic casserole..."Shepherd's Pie"!

I don't enjoy canned green beans and so the only time we make up Shepherd's Pie is when we have fresh green beans from the garden!!

We had
a plentiful potato crop this year and so we are probably going to be living on Potato Soup because it is so yummy, healthy and easy.

Our green beans fared better than we thought they would and we ended up getting 2 great pickings and ended up making 3 different casseroles from them.

I enjoy SO much planting seeds in the spring and then weeding and watering during the summer and enjoying the produce you get when it's Harvest Time.
Garden fresh green beans and potatoes
make this exceptionally delicious!!

Shepherd's Pie

(step one)

Boil 5-6 potatoes until they are tender.
Drain and mash potatoes with however much butter, milk, salt and pepper you like

(step two)
While you are cooking up the potatoes also
cook up 4 cups of green beans until they are tender

(step three)
Brown together:
1 large chopped onion
1 pound ground beef (salt and pepper to taste)
Cook until the onion is tender and the ground beef is no longer pink.
Stir in:
1 can
tomato soup AND
Cooked green beans

Put hamburger/green bean mixture in a 9x13 pan.
Top with mashed potatoes
Sprinkle on grated cheese (however much you like)
and cover.

Bake in 350 degree oven covered for 30-45 minutes until it is bubbly!


  1. Yum! We love shepards pie...
    We use the same recipe.. but I don't bake mine though.. I just use a large skillet and leave it on the stove simmering for 10 minutes or so.. it's sure yummy!

  2. I think sheperds pie is one of the most comforting foods. I saw a recipe for bottling potatoes. Haven't tried it so I don't know the results. I will have to send you my recipe for baked potato soup. I am so glad it is almost soup season. I love soup!

  3. We love shepards pie to. I use corn in mine though. My kids aren't hug green bean fans. Maybe they'd like them in this though.

    THanks for all your wonderful recipes, ideas, and inspiration. Always fun to visit your blog. I've been away for a bit, and now catching up.
