Monday, September 28, 2009

"Are we human...or are we dancer"?

(What ever those lyrics in The Killers song "Human" are supposed to mean?!)

It was another HIGH ENERGY
weekend full of FUN!

However, life is CRAZY right now! I feel like I’m swimming in laundry, overloaded with garden produce since our weekend consisted of being gone from 2:00 to 9:00 Friday afternoon and evening at Jades Cross Country meet....Leaving for Utah at 11:30 on Saturday…..we took Ethan to my parents house, then drove to West Valley City and met up with friends and then attended a concert, got back to my parents house at 1:30 in the morning. Left my parents house at 7:30 Sunday morning, got home just in time to get the car unloaded and showered up and headed to church at 12:00 since I help out in our ward library, I’m the ward chorister and it was our Primary Sacrament meeting program so we couldn't miss church. After church we relaxed as we were sleep deprived and then today it was back to school and work as normal.

With all of that said it was another

First off, it's so funny how many people judge something by the name of it. Tracy had done a Facebook update one day last week stating how excited we were to take Jade to "The Killers" concert. Our Bishop's wife responded "Sounds Awful". It made us chuckle.

Tracy and I really enjoy "The Killers" music, however, we don't know all of their songs really well. Our sweet son Jade has some struggles in life and so he doesn't have a lot of close friends to go and do things with and so we thought it would be SO fun to take Jade to do something that a teenager would enjoy doing.
I'm SO glad we bought tickets to take Jade to this concert. He had SO much fun...It was priceless and I LOVED seeing how excited he got and how he danced and got into the songs that he knew when they played them!
It was one AMAZING night for all of us!!
I love meeting new people and so what a joy it was to finally meet Ann Marie and Chad. We had such a great time and she is SO friendly, nice, honest and SO easy to talk to!!
Chad is awesome as well and what a great couple they are! It felt like I was talking to an "old friend" and I can tell you that Ann Marie is the type of person that cherishes friendships greatly and when you talk to her you feel appreciated, important and cared about!
As you would guess from reading her Blog she is SUCH an extra miler and SO thoughtful! I can't believe how sweet she was to bring me a basket of goodies!
A jar of homemade peach jelly and pickles! YUMMY!
She also had a "Mumkin" and an antique potato masher and iron pan. I LOVED them all and the "Mumkin" has found a spot on my entry shelf and every item will be enjoyed immensely!!

After our meeting and dinner we headed off....
to the concert!
Jade was ONE Excited kid when we hopped out of the car at the "E-Center". He had to stand in front of the large marquee until it said "The Killers", however, the lighting was not right and you can't read the words on the sign.

Jade and I walking up the stairs to go into the "E-Center".
It was SO exciting to see the other marquee saying "The Killers" LIVE in concert tonight September 26, 2009!

(these are NOT the best photos because real cameras were not allowed into the concert, but iPhone photos are better than NO Photos!! )
Here are some photos showing us while we were waiting for the concert to start. As you can see it was a FULL house and lots of teenagers/middle 20's aged kids there. I also saw quite a few parents taking their kids to the concert.

The first opening group was so loud and not enjoyable at all. However, the 2nd group was quite good. They were a Mariachi band and quite talented, however, that wasn't what we came to listen to and we just wished they would get on to the main event!
Despite technical difficulties at the start
of "The Killers" concert, (and it didn't get started until way after 9:30) it was AMAZING!! I was kind of sad thinking it wouldn't be as good as "Depeche Mode", but it was AWESOME!
(although, I can't compare the concerts as that would be like comparing apples and oranges).
Jade saw his mom go a little bit CRAZY when they played
"Somebody told me",
I was dancing and screaming all over the place!! WOO HOO!!
Jade and Tracy and I also went crazy when they played
"Spaceman"... "Read my mind"...

Concerts are SO much fun! I pretty much moved my hips and shoulders the whole time dancing to the awesome music! I think one of my favorite parts was when Brandon Flowers sang a little bit of of the song
"I can't help falling in LOVE with you".
(That same song is played at the end of my favorite movie..."Some Kind of Wonderful").

Brandon Flowers is the
He was on the move almost the entire time and he put his ALL into every song he sang. His energy was out of this world! Not once did he even give an inkling to the audience that he was tired.
Amazing CONFETTI!!
This was a wonderful way to end the show (or so we thought it was the end of the show). A huge cannon of confetti exploded and was SO cool to watch as it fell and you could see it with the light show going on stage!

And the audience was screaming after they had left the stage hoping that they'd come back and do one more song. They didn't let us down and they came back and did an Encore of three more songs and during the last song they had FIREWORKS on stage!!
It was an incredible sight to be behold!!

I had the time of my life with my hubby and son!!
It was a once in a lifetime experience and worth every penny spent to get to enjoy an evening with Jade and to see him get SO excited and have SUCH a fun time!!
These next photos I found of Brandon Flowers at the concert at the E-Center and thought I would share them. To see all of the here)


  1. I am SOOO happy for you. What an awesome weekend. I bet Jade loved it so much and thinks you are the coolest parents ever! You guys truly live life to the fullest..seriously inspiring to me. You are always making memories, cooking, hanging outdoors, picking berries, staying cool and hip with your music--honestly amazing! I also am so excited you got to see Depeche Mode I read that post out of town on my phone so didn't comment but what a thrill that must have been. I love them as you know and loved the concert a few years ago. I now really regret not seeing the KILLERS but believe me I will next time! That's so cool you met Ann, she's darling and I also had a wonderful chance to meet her and two other great friends a few weeks ago. Talk about a fabulous experience! Well...catch up little lady.. I know how that goes. XOXO

  2. That is so cool that you were able to go to the concert with your husband and Jade. What a memory for all of you but especially for Jade. You guys are such good parents to your boys!
    How fun that you were able to meet Ann Marie and what great things she gave you!
    It would be so fun to get together with blogging friends and really get to know them.
    I bet you were tired this morning after such a fun-filled weekend.
    Hope you have a great week!

  3. HOW FUN FOR YOU!!! I read a bit about this great outing on Ann Maries blog. GOOD GRIEF....It looks like you had a blast. How fun to take Jade and have a good time together. I have to hand it to you for still being cool to a teenage boy! WOOT! WOOT!

    You have a great relationship with your boys. It's so refreshing and wonderful to read. I'm always so impressed at what a hands on mom you are.
    Have a great day.

  4. Oh my gosh.. I saw your photos and seriously DIED! AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!

    I WISH... I WISH... we could have taken pictures inside.. it was so incredible! :) I love the pictures of you in your seats.. the confetti shot... and oh... Brandon Flowers... Oy!!!!!!

    Thanks for writing such nice things.. it's a good thing your positive.. :) ha-ha

    I saw my brother Tim last night.. and we talked Killers all night. We are still on a glorious (drug-free) high from seeing our current favorite band. :) I hope you get aquainted with more of there music so you'll come back to see them one day again.. they have LOTS of awesome stuff.

    Fun to read your post.. and your take on the concert.
    Have a happy..busy day!! XO

  5. What an exciting weekend for you guys. I am sure Jade loves having such cool parents. We need to get together the next time you are in town. I found these great posters your boys would love, go check the out. Hope you have a happy day. Take Care.

  6. You and Tracy are the coolest parents ever!! How fun for Jade to attend that concert with you two!

    I think it's awesome that you were able to get together with Ann Marie and Chad. And the gifts you gave each other were the best! Love it!!

    Such great memories and awesome pictures. I don't know the Killers music too much either - but you and Ann Marie have inspired me to check it out!

    The question on everyone's mind is ... sooooo how were able to get a camera into the concert and Ann Marie couldn't?? :-D

  7. I read Ann Marie's "Killer" Blog and now I have read yours and can I just say "YOU ALL HAD ONE AWESOME TIME!!!" Way to go!
    I can tell from Jade's huge smile that he was a VERY happy boy to be at that concert. It looks like it was so great!!
    I think it is neat that you and Tracy and Ann Marie and Chad were able to get together and meet and exchange fun gifts and be happy. It all makes me really happy too! Seriously - how fun!
    I have an IPhone too and the pictures are allright when you can't take your camera in somewhere! Love all the confetti and the fun shots you got in your seats.
    You are truly right - another super fab weekend!!
    I think we are dancer!!

  8. Sounds (and looks) like it was a fun concert! There's an indescribable energy felt at those live concerts! And how fun to go as a family :) Get some rest to recuperate!
