Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Where has all the summer gone?!?

"There is never enough time to do everything, but there is always enough time to do the most important thing"!

How did it get to be August 18th?
It just seems like yesterday, we were starting
Summer Vacation and now it is coming to an end.
August 26th my kiddies start back to school and it makes me sad.

We've had ALOT of fun together as a family this summer and I have LOVED all of the time I have got to spend with them in the afternoons!

It also makes me sad because a week ago today I had to head back to work after 3 wonderful days of backpacking with my family.
I have wanted to post about our adventures, but life is not permitting me to have the time I need to truly do our trip justice and so
until my kids get back in school
and I deal with all of our garden produce that we have an abundance of right now, it doesn't leave me much time in my life to do much of anything else.
September, will bring many posts of
our HIKE into Alaska Basin

fun summer events
we have done together as a family

and also RECIPES!!

I hope you are all enjoying
the last few moments of summer vacation with your families

and YES...
I will be back shortly!!
Have a wonderful and enjoyable day!!


  1. Looks like you have been very busy! I agree, not enough summer! I want more!

  2. Lots of things to look forward too!
    All of that food looks DELISH!

  3. Looking forward to upcoming posts. If you need any canning recipes let me know also check out this website for canning and other delicious recipes thepioneerwoman.com she now has a website with just recipes.

  4. I love listening about your awesome trips. So far the photos are beautiful.

    I seriously can't wait for more recipes... Woo Hoo! You are the best, most health conscience, frugal, prepared woman I know! I love your recipes.

    It is a very busy time of the year - expecially if your garden is huge! Have fun and I can't wait until you have time to tell us everything! :-D

  5. I know a good thing ends all too soon!
    Looks like we have alot of fun things to look forward to on your blog.
    Your family always looks so happy to be together in all of your pictures - they are a joy to look at!!
    Hope you continue to enjoy every minute of summer that is left!

  6. I'm glad you've had a good summer with your family!! I look forward to seeing your pictures, and the places you went.

    Have a great day.
