Thursday, August 27, 2009

fun, Fun, FUN!!

"I'm taking a ride with my best friend..."

Tuesday August 25th
was a perfect day and I can honestly say I have never had more fun in my life!!

Everything was perfect about the day except the drive from Ogden to West Valley City...the crazy traffic had me pretty much stressed out (I don't really enjoy 4 lanes of traffic on the freeway with all kinds sudden stops and people passing you in both lanes beside you). Where I come from 2 lanes of freeway traffic is enough and most of our driving is done on 2 lane country roads!
Anywho, we arrived in plenty of time and really enjoyed just relaxing, talking and for dinner enjoyed a smothered burrito at a restaurant just kiddie-corner from the E-Center. We also had LOTS of fun "People watching". It was fun watching all of the different "get ups" that people were wearing. You can definitely tell people who are from the 80's generation. Lots of original DM Concert t-shirts being worn and then as you would expect lots of CRAZY concert attire.

The opening act was AWFUL and the sound was horrible and Tracy and I kind of had a sad feeling like "what if this isn't good and we spent this money and it is a waste".
(the 2 men we sat by were SO nice...they were brothers and the one in the grey shirt came all the way from Michigan to see this concert).
Well, all I can say, is it was worth the wait and WOW we were STUNNED by the performance!! It more than exceeded our expectations! Seeing Martin, Dave and Andrew in REAL LIFE performing some of our favorite songs...
Pure BLISS!!
That awesome deep bass voice of Dave,
tenor voice/guitar and synthesizers of Martin
and watching Andrew on the synthesizers as well I was mesmerized and I'm changed forever! (in a good way)

This truly was one of the most fun and amazing things I have experienced!!
(oh wait, I usually say that about everything don't I)
We were going to be feeling pretty happy if we heard 3 or 4 songs from our beloved albums (since it was a concert promoting their new album "Tour of the Universe"), but they played way more OLDIES than new stuff and the concert ended in 4 encores!!
camera angles
and performance by all of them
I have never seen anyting like it! They definitely earned their money.

I am hoarse and have such a bad sore throat from screaming and squealing all night and I danced so hard I was sopping wet!!

We were so sad when the concert had come to an end and so as soon as got back to the car we pulled out Tracy's iPhone and went through our DEPECHE MODE music and tried to write down all of the songs we remembered them playing while it was fresh on our minds. (this is rough list of what we remembered).
TOUR of the Universe 2009
--"In Chains" (opening song)
(songs from their new album)
--"In Sympathy"
--"Miles away/The truth is"
--"Little Soul"
2 solos by Martin
--"A questions of Lust"
--"Shake the Disease"
--"A Question of Time"
--"Policy of Truth"
--"Black Celebration"
--"It's No Good"
--"World in my Eyes"
--"Fly on the Windscreen"
--"Come Back"
--"Enjoy the Silence"
--"The Love Thieves"
--"Barrel of a Gun"
--"Never Let Me Down Again"
FINAL 2 songs of the last encore:
--"Personal Jesus"
--"Waiting for the Night"
The first 45 minutes of our drive home were great because we still had so much adrenaline from the excitement of the concert, however, it soon sunk it that it was past midnight and the 4 hour drive home was grueling trying to stay awake. Needless to say, we made it safely home at a whopping 4:22 in the morning and fell asleep the moment our heads hit the pillow and then were rudely awakened by the sound of the alarm clock going off at 6:30 to get the kids up and ready for school!!
Tired and all it was SO much fun to send the kids off to school. Since I leave for work at 6:30 every morning I am gone before they are awake and so I never get to send my kids out the door (Tracy does that, so that I can be home with the kids when they get off the bus after school).
Anyway, I always take the first and last day of school off work so I can enjoy the FUN of sending them out the door with LOVE and kisses!
I can't believe my Ethan is in 2nd grade and
Jade is in 9th grade.
Time just flies by too quickly!!

Tracy and I had good intentions of going back to bed as soon as the kids were on the bus, but we just had all of the favorite DM ("Da-Peachy") songs going through our heads we kept on listening to music and reading about our favorite stars online that all of a sudden we realized it was 11:30 and we still hadn't had breakfast yet.

So, we made up tuna sandwiches on fresh baked bread filled up glasses with iced water and sat on the porch like a couple of newlyweds and enjoyed lunch together! Halfway through lunch Tracy looked over and saw me crying (which is unusual because I never let my emotions show too much). He asked me why I was crying and I told him "I just miss my kids". I am going to miss my afternoons with them...Jade is my helper in the yard with keeping everything watered and the lawn mowed and he never has to be reminded...he's such a hardworker and I LOVE spending my afternoons with Ethan sitting in our bean bag all snuggled up reading books. They're my buddies and I miss them."

Isn't it ironic how life is...sometimes it's like Spock says:
"Sometimes wanting is better than having".
(Enjoying each stage of LIFE to the fullest and not wishing life away.)
(I was also crying, because I had SO much love in my heart for Tracy...getting to spend time with him in the middle of the's a treasure to me and I was just savoring it, holding on to every moment of it and hoping it would never end!)
At this time
it was 1:00 and we were about to fall asleep on the porch and so we decided we would sleep for 2 hours until Ethan got home. It felt good to get some sleep! I LOVED hearing about Ethan's was so cute having him describe his teacher and their class rules and the excitement as he saw his FRIENDS again and the fun he had at lunchtime and recess. I treasured this moment of "one on one"!
Tonight we had our "Back to school dinner" and made homemade pizza and the kids got to make their own and choose their own toppings. We also had watermelon. It was fun. We had homemade Cherry Pie and ice cream for Dessert!

Our night ended with Tracy giving the kids a blessing of comfort and guidance for the new school year! It brought tears to my eyes and the kids Cherished the words of guidance that Tracy gave to them.
It was precious!
2 perfect days in a just doesn't get any better than this!


  1. Girl can I tell you that you totally rocked the boots!!!!
    It sounds like the concert was a total blast - Wow - that is fun that you listed all the songs - they really had quite a line-up!!
    Good thing you took that next day off of work not only for the boys first day of school but to recover - ha ha - You party animal you!!!

  2. HOW FUN!!!! I'm catching up on your last 2 posts's, and you are a lucky chick!! Not to mention, love your groovy boots.

    I think besides the great concert, the 8 hour ride alone with the husband would have to be the top of the outing.

    We're back to school here. It's always bitter sweet when they return. I'm glad you got to enjoy the day.
    Have a good one!

  3. I am DYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I am so grateful for all of the pictures because it made me feel a little like I was there! :)

    I saw their Violator tour back in the 90's and it ROCKED!

    I bet Dave was up there shaking his booty for the crowd to see still huh?? ( ya.. I'm guilty to being one who screamed when he did that..)

    I love all of the songs they sang!! I even like a few new ones I've heard. They are great live!

    I have heard the same about the Killers. You need to listen to them so you can sing and dance along to them also!! We need to meet up when you come.. it will be fun!! ~ MAybe you should stay here in Utah overnight though instead of driving.. :)

    Glad you had alone time with Tracy! Every couple needs it!!

    Have a good week!

  4. Wow! It sounds like you had a great trip. What a fun date with hubby. It's funny how you can recover from late nights a little easier after all the late nights with your kids.

    You are so amazing. What a fun dinner for your kids. Have fun going back to work.

    I am glad you liked the strawberry pie. You will have to search my blog for the caramel pear pudding, it is to die for.

  5. I am so impressed with your feelings toward your husband! You guys are great together!
    You rock! Love your boots!
    Sending the kiddos back to school is definitely bitter-sweet.
    Great post.

  6. Glad you had fun!! I remember you talking about your fun boots at Granite--I didn't realize where you got them--what a find!!

  7. Kim...I just ADORE you. You and I would get along great abcause your passion for music and the moments are seen SO strong and sincere in these words you wrote.

    I will admit shamely to not know DM that much but i adore passion for music and anyone who has that...Can soar wonders to their soul.

    Your boys going back to school...I SO know what you mean by just pure missing them. I look at my nephew and sometimes just want to hold on for dear life and stop time. Stop this growing thing.

    But yet, the wanting of moments and seeing all that life has to offer really sometimes just awe's the soul.

    I adored reading about your lunch on the porch w/ your best friend.
    Hey...would you like to be my husband catcher for me? You have a great relationship and could probably spot a good keeper for me LOLOL
