Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Trip of a LifeTime!

The past week has been a wonderful one...
we took a road trip to Yosemite and all I can say is:


There was stunning beauty and
spectacular scenery
everywhere you looked!

We saw FAMILY!!

Breathtaking scenery!

The famous..."El Capitan"!

Gorgeous blue sky and foliage!

Amazing Water Falls!!

Stunning Flowers!

GIANT Sequoias!

Awesome lakes and mountains!

SO, needless to say,
we got home Tuesday night (June 9th) at 11:45 pm...
I had to get up at 5:30 am this morning (June 10th) so I could leave for work at 6:30 am
and SO, there is unpacking that needs to be done,
laundry to do,
a yard that needs tended to from being gone for a week
and that means there is not much time right now for Blogging for a few days.
I will be back in the "Blogging mode"
about our trip sometime next week as soon as we are "caught" up on life!

All I can say is:
It was amazing,
I miss Yosemite and
I can't wait to go back there!


  1. I missed you lots!!!

    I'm glad you had such a fabulous time! Those HUGE trees look incredible!! We need to get there one day!

    Love every picture! You are becoming quite the photographer arn't you!!

    We are off to camping.. I'm trying to be positive, but it has rained (poured) the whole week here, and it's in the weekend forecast... Not to mention we have swine flu on both sides of the family... I need to escape!! I keep telling myself.. Have hope and positive... Where is some of Kimmie's positiveness when you need it?

    Ok.. sorry for the novel.. Have a great weekend! :)

  2. WOW is right! Ya know, I never have really given much thought about that place but seeing these pictures I do now! I LOVE outstanding scenery that this world has and its always so breath taking to take in how much good in all things there still is on this earth!

    So glad to hear you had a fabulous time!
    PS. I'm makin your sugar cookie recipe! I'm excited!!!!

  3. Yosemite is a Wonderful place - Love your pictures!
    So glad you got to go!!

    Half Dome is my favorite did you get to hike near it? Love the Sequoias too! It is such a breathtaking park!

    I grew up not too far from Yosemite and it was always a favorite camping spot for my family but I have not been there in 20 years - I miss it too!!

    I know how it is when you get back and have mounds of laundry but you have all of those GREAT memories too!!

    So fun and Extra fun that you saw family!!

  4. I cannot wait for the big post! I am glad that you guys were able to go. I talked to Cheryl and she said that Trav was SOOOO surprised to see you all! I bet it was a treasured trip for all of you!!
