Monday, May 18, 2009

A Wonderful Week in May!!

(all of the photos in my Blog are "Click-able" and you can see so much more detail when you click on them and make them bigger)

WOW! Last week was one of those rare weeks that don't come along very often where everything seems to just fall into order and it is perfect! I can't think of the last time I had a week like that!

Mother's day was a beautiful sun-shiney day
and my tulips finally "Came to life" and were just gorgeous!

Monday was a WINDY day....
and so Tracy pulled out our kites and got them all ready and we went to an open field near our house and flew kites for over an hour! It was SO much fun and a great way to take advantage of all the WIND that we so often experience in SE Idaho. The laughter and joy that my kids experienced was Priceless!

Tuesday was Jades 15th birthday
and was an absolutely awesome day!
(despite 50-60 mph winds that caused damage everywhere)

A "secret" person
in either Jades school, our ward or neighborhood left the sweetest thing on our front door... a $10.00 gift card to Hollywood Video and a $5.00 gift card to JAMBA Juice! That was SO thoughtful and Jade was so excited and felt special.
(Jade enjoyed a yummy "Jamba Juice" after the movie)

I wish I knew who did it so we could thank them!

YEA!! We took the kids to see STAR TREK on Saturday as part of a "post birthday celebration" for Jade. It was AWESOME!! I'm NOT a "Trekkie" fan and Tracy IS a "Trekkie" fan and we both LOVED it and the kids loved it as well!

It's been a hectic past few weeks and my poor hubby and kids have been neglected in the hair cutting department and so it was SO nice for me to finally have a free moment and give them fresh hair cuts. Jade has been begging me for a haircut for the past week. They are all once again clean cut and not looking like "rag-a-muffins" anymore!
VERY HANDSOME boys!! (if do say so myself!)

80 degree temperatures this weekend and 2 perfectly gorgeous days!!

Tracy pulled out our grill and grilled up the yummiest BBQ pork loin for Sunday dinner along with baked potatoes and peas and corn. Absolutely Delicious!
Afterwards, we enjoyed a relaxing family bike ride, savoring the nice warm temperature and enjoying BLUE sky, sunshine, no wind and gorgeous scenery everywhere we looked!
It was really hard to finally pull ourselves in the house to get ready for bed and to get ready to start another week.

It's amazing how the most simple things in life like time spent with family and time in nature to enjoy it's beauty can bring the most joy!!
Another day of saying...Life is Good!!


  1. WOW!!! I guess it was a terrific week. LOVED all of your tulip pictures - beautiful! I love spring!

    Kite flying looked like such fun! SE Idaho does get the wind - I grew up in Pocatello and most of my family still live there... Lots of wind all the time. We flew kites all the time when we were young - but here in Boise, I never am with it when there is wind.. We haven't been too successful here.

    Birthday surprises are sooo fun! I'm glad he had a great birthday!

    Very handsome men in your life. You do a great job cutting hair. My boys won't let me near them with sizzers.. I've tried before and failed LOL... I'm glad you are enjoying the spring weather..

    Again---- I LOVED all of your pictures!

  2. You have had a great week. Your tulips are beautiful.

    You've been able to spend a lot of time with your family, and that's priceless.

    I love the fact that you can give the men in your life haircuts. I cut my sons hair 4 years ago, and when it was over he looked like Forest Gump. I KID YOU NOT! We couldn't stop laughing. We had to have a professional stylist try to fix the damage.

    I sure enjoy reading your post. You seem ver thoughtful and aware of others around you. It's no wonder that someone thought of your son on his birthday.
    Have a great day!

  3. Such a PERFECT post!

    I love the clickable flower pictures! Who doesn't want to see flowers up close? They make me happy!

    Wow! Jade's birthday IS close to Christians. I love the Birthday Bucket! I took pictures but it is doubtful that I will get around to posting them. Having a week off made blogging time BUSY!

    After reading your Trek review... I will for sure go and see it. I'm not a trekkie, ( but my love is ) so he went with a bunch of guys from work. I know he won't complain again seeing it with me!

    Your boys all look so nice! Chad wants me to cut his and Christians hair.. but I'm not so confident! You've got talent and skills to do that!!

    That canal picture is breathtaking! It almost looks fake it's so pretty! I want to go there for a picnic and eat some of that BBQ pork loin! MMMMM.

    It WAS a perfect week for you! Can you send one my way?? he-he

    PS: Yes.. We are year round school. We don't get out untul July 2nd. Crazy!

    Thanks for your comments! You are always a faithful commenter and I love to hear from you!

  4. It truly was a wonderful week. I love how you documented the beauty of each day and event!

    Love the tulips, love the birthday - love the bucket from the birthday!, love the fresh haircuts on the handsome men, love the yummy food and love the kite flying.

    These are the moments aren't they? The moments that make up a spectacular life!!

    P.S. I tried to cut my son's hair once - now if anyone sees me with scissors or any kind of cutting equipment they run screaming for a hiding place - hee hee - It is not a talent of mine!!
