Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Jade...another year older!

(all of the photos in my Blog are "Click-able" and you can see so much more detail when you click on them and make them bigger)

On May 12, 1994...
we were blessed
with an adorable and sweet bundle of Joy.
Jade Marshall!

Where has the time gone...
it seems like yesterday when these photos were taken.

Jades 4 upper front teeth were pulled when he was quite young and so all of his photos were TOOTHLESS and PRICELESS!
His smile has always made me melt with teeth or no teeth!

Jade has always been a "Camera shy" kid...
the majority of the photos from his younger years he is shyly looking down! He was and is so sweet!

Jade is a VERY Awesome older brother!!

Jade is a VERY adventurous kid and LOVES to enjoy life and have fun!!

Jade has always been silly and full of LIFE...
here he is with his dad displaying all of his cars after his last Pinewood Derby!!

Now I'm opposite from when I was young...I have all 4 front teeth and I'm missing my side teeth!!

Outstanding Choir student!!

Handsome boy on a handsome horse at Grandpa and Grandma's house!!

Jade's great sense of humor can make any baby laugh!!
He has such a knack for that and all of the little kids just LOVE Jade!!

Jade LOVES it when it's "Crazy hair day" or Halloween because he likes to do FUNKY things to his hair!! Here he is as a "Punk Rocker"!

Jade is one COOL KID!!
Every time he wears his headband he always gets comments from his friends on how COOL he looks!

Jade's not afraid of anything!!
I have lost track of how many garter snakes he has found in our yard and ran around the neighborhood showing kids and scaring them!

(actually he doesn't scare other kids on purpose...he just thinks that snakes are cool and gets excited and wants to show other kids and forgets that other people don't think that snakes are as cool as he does!)

Jade is a LOVER of animals!!
If there is an animal, insect or any creepy crawly thing in his sight he always finds it.

Jade has got SO much determination!
He is an AWESOME track runner!! (and a very handsome one if I do say so myself!)

My favorite thing of all that I love about Jade is his kind heart and most of all, he is the Peace Maker in our home!! He doesn't like there to be contention and he is the most "quick to forgive" person I have ever met. He never stays mad at you for long.

I am savoring the teenage years as I know I don't have many more left!! I love being your mom!

"Happy Birthday...#15"!!


  1. Wow 15! What fun!!!
    Happy Birthday!
    I'm sure he'll have a great birthday with such a sweet and loving Mother!

    Fun pictures.. I love the roller coaster one.. Is that Lagoon? Makes me want to go...

    That snake one makes me kinda ill. If I was there.. he wouldn't just be scaring the kids.. :)

  2. I've said it before - that boy has a GREAT smile! So I really loved seeing those cute pictures of him when he was young with the 4 teeth out - how adorable!! Then the one where he had the 4 front teeth and the others were gone - so cute!!
    I also loved the roller coaster picture and the track picture - Heck I loved all the pictures.
    It is great to have a boy who is mellow and peacemaker.

    He sounds like one great kid all around. Happy Birthday!!

    15 means he'll be driving soon - Ooooohh new phase!!

    P.S. I don't like snakes :D

  3. What a handsome boy. His smile is a killer.

    I enjoyed looking the pictures. You have such a cute family.

    They grow up so fast don't they. The next few years with him will be so much fun. THey have a lot of milestones. Before you know it...driving, dating, graduating. It's great.
    Have a good day.

  4. Catherine NielsonMay 13, 2009 at 1:50 PM

    Wow. It seems like he has grown up so much the past few years. I can't believe he's 15 already. He still has that same bright smile and eyes!

    Love your blog here, I haven't seen it before now. Tracy gave me the link once but I forgot what it was. Nice photos and good job!

  5. Happy Birthday to Jade!! I remember being with him (I think at Grandma's) and he caught a hummingbird. I remember being very impressed with his speed. Humming birds are soooo fast! He is a great kid! I love Jade!
