Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Blossoms, Bees and Snow!

What an absolutely GORGEOUS week we have had!
The bees have been enjoying all of the blossoms on our trees!
(Especially our "Spring Snow" Crab Tree by our front porch)

Since this only happens once a year and only lasts for about 5 days, I have been savoring the beauty of my yard with my family after work/school each day and so my house is a mess and I haven’t been on the computer at all.

The gorgeous fragrant smells going on in my yard are something I wish I could capture in a bottle.
There is nothing that smells better than blossoming trees!

First we got blossoms

Then we got bees

Our tree has been covered by 100's of BEES that the tree has been literally alive with BEES and all you can hear is "buzzing"! It is amazing that you can stand in the middle of the blossoms with BEES buzzing all around and not get stung!

Then sadly, the blossoms started falling and it snowed!

So, this is where I have been this past week....on my porch, OR, working in my yard, OR, playing with my kids outside enjoying the "Magic" that is going on right now because we won't get to enjoy it again until next year!!

(the blossoming stages
of our favorite tree!)

WOW!! It amazes me every time this tree blooms that the blossoms are SO fragrant and look like REAL flowers!
More gorgeous blossoms!!
And even more blossoms!
The view from my porch!

The view when I open my front door!
(my Ethan, running up the driveway after school)
The last 2 days before the blossoms began falling!

The view from the end of our path!

Our tree in full bloom!!
(Love that bright blue sky!)

SO, if I don't do much posting this week it is because I am enjoying other "magic" that is going on in my yard right now AND it's the last week of school for my kids and so I am enjoying spending time doing activities with them!!
Be back shortly!
Have a Beautiful, Happy Day!!


  1. I love your yard - It is big and beautiful. YOu captured the blossoms and bee's on your tree perfectly - I can totally understand why you are sitting on your porch just enjoying the view!

    Isn't it a wonderful time of the year!!

  2. I hope Heaven has trees and Lilacs that blossom continually, and leave no mess. :)

    Your trees, yard and pictures are all beautiful! I'll join you on the porch and bring some Fresh Lemonade.. ( I have been drinking it alot lately.. )

    Have a fun week with the kids, and enjoying the weather! I will miss Kimmie comments that I love!!

  3. Beautiful yard. Perfect place to sit right there on your front porch. It must smell amazing.

    I liked how you showed the progression from early spring to bloom time!
    Enjoy your week!!

  4. Oh, I heart this time of year. You really take awesome pictures. The bee and the stages of the blossoms are breath taking. Your yard is gorgeous - WOW! It looks very secluded and large. I'd be out on the porch everyday too - enjoying all the beauty. We live in such a beautiful world (Heavenly Father created for us)..
