Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sunshine for the Soul...Sunday!

"Life is like a rainbow.
You need both the sun AND the rain
to make its colors appear"!

(click on photo to make it large)
This photo was taken in 2007
and it is the
Lower Falls in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
The mist from the waterfall is creating
the most gorgeous rainbow!

I needed this quote this week
as it has been a cold, rainy, miserable week!

along with the sun,
it also takes rain to make the colors appear...
This is what I have told myself as every time I turn around it is raining.
The rain will make the crops grow so we can have food
and flowers and trees grow so we can enjoy beauty,
and keep our grass green
and keep things alive from dying;
SO, the rain does bring the COLOR to things around us!

Enjoying a gorgeous rainy day
with a little bit of sun here and there
to brighten the day as well!


  1. We are in the midst of a hyge down poor of rain right now. Thunder and lightening too. I like rain storms when I can stay home and cuddle up with a blanket, book or a good muovie. Plus, it's free water for my grass and flowers!

    I gave you a bloggly award. You should stop by and pick it up.

  2. This is so true! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the rain! I always look for rainbows!
    Pretty picture :D

  3. Hey Kim! Please dont worry for a second. You could never say anything to offend and if you did I'd just let it slide :) But, I know you wouldnt!

    The reason behind no comments for a while is exactly how i said.
    I just dont want to be apart of the blog fame of people thinking to comment just for a comment from me.

    I love going to blogs and finding sweet post to share a comment but there are some--no names--that just do it just to get a comment back and that just bugs!

    So, I not stopping my posting...I'm just stopping the comments for a while. I will miss all the dear ones--yours included--sweet comments but I just want to post and have fun with it and not worry about the whole comment thing for a while. So, before this turns into a book here, I hope you have a great week and will keep peeking in on my life and just get a laugh or two and insight posts from me. I'll bring back the comments sometime at the end of summer.

    As always, love this quote and what it and you stand for!!!
    I hope your son is feeling better though, he has a terrific melt your heart smile :D
