Sunday, January 4, 2009

Farewell 2008...A Big Welcome to 2009!!

I am really late in posting, because I have been savoring the last few days with all of us having time off together until we are all back to the grind of work and school on Monday the 5th.

I am sad that another year has just flown by and I have treasured all of the wonderful memories with my sweet kids and hubby! They are growing so fast and I wish that I could slow down the clock of life a little because these boys will be grown before we know it.

What an honor it is to be a mother to my 2 wonderful sons and a wife to the worlds most awesome hubby!

I love all 3 of my "boys"
and I feel abundantly blessed in all of the things that really matter in life!!

Since, I didn't start my Blog until the last 2 weeks of December, I thought I would post a little "best of" photo collage of Jade and Ethan and Tracy and I.

**(Be sure to click on the photo collages to enlarge them to fill your computer monitor!)

1 comment:

  1. Okay, You officially get the "cutest birthday card maker Award" I was amazed when Mark's came in the mail and hoped I got one too. Mine came today--which means you get another award for mailing them in time for them to arrive right before or on the birthday. I am terrible at that. I just dropped one in the mail for by bro-in-law on his birthday and it has to go clear to Texas--oops! If you get a minute, would you mind emailing those pics? Thank you!!!
